Log in using your provided credentials – https://portal.breezeconnect.com.au    

The Dashboard will be your landing page once logged in.

Navigate to the Customers page to provision a new Customer, and click the ADD button on the bottom right corner. 

Click on SELECT under the Hosted Extension.

Complete the New customer template to create your Customer: (The following sections are mandatory)

  • Step 1 - You can search the customer business using their ABN 


 Or Can create the customer by manually entering the information.

  • Step 2 - Next would be the customer's primary contact.

  • Step 3 -The customer's address.

  • Step 4 - We always recommend to enter the credit limit 2.5 times higher than the customers  monthly usage/Bill.

  • Step 5 - This would be your review page.

  • Step 6 - Confirm that your Customer has been created.

The below is how the Hosted customer account dashboard looks like:

This concludes the Hosted Customer setup guide.